With story ownership in mind, we are connecting directly with those who experienced life at and around Camp Hope to create a devised, verbatim theater piece.

This project is a collaborative effort, and we are currently seeking people who want to share their stories, script devisers, actors, and further partnerships.

Email Sandy if you want to get involved.

Play Along the Line

We love play and discovery, and hate waiting in line. When Our Place Spokane asked us to help out with their service line, we hoped to make it just a bit more fun to stand in line, and to hear some stories.

Boy did we! Not only did people love making things and sharing their stories, they loved the opportunity to tell Our Place how much they appreciate them.

Play along the line serves two sets of people: those waiting for services, and those giving those services. Contact Diana for more information on bringing this to your place of service.

The IMAGIC Machine is designed to help adults tap into their creativity, curiosity, and play.

Utilizing a few of our childhood favorites, The IMAGIC Machine, in its current form, allows us to quickly connect with busy adults of all types; squeezing 5 minutes of play into the day of “adulting”, building trust, providing hope, and creating a platform for expanded programs.

CLICK HERE to see the IMAGIC in action.

Our Workshops are perfect for team building, especially helping the helpers: non-profit workers, health care workers, education workers. Through various guided techniques, including theater and other movement-based art forms, participants will use play and improvisation to explore their personal and collective narratives.

Some comments we’ve heard: “We immediately started using the tools we learned in the workshop.

We want to make this part of our staff meetings.”

Is your group interested in hosting a workshop? Email Diana here.

Story Circles

Introducing our latest program, Story Circles, which revitalizes the age-old tradition of community storytelling in a contemporary setting. Finding Human Project brings together small groups with diverse life experiences, guiding participants through storytelling sessions to collaboratively weave a narrative that mirrors the vibrant tapestry of the community.

Story Circles aim to nurture connection, empathy, and a shared sense of humanity, echoing the timeless practice of communities constructing stories together throughout history.

Get Involved

Become a thought partner with us and help us build a stronger community.